Case Studies

Reloadable Surgical Multiclip Applier


The challenge for AksoDynamic was to find a way to break up a deploy that has existed for a couple of decades between to major companies: Ethicon (Johnson & Johnson) and Covidien (Medtronics) with respect to the Disposable Multi-Clip Applier Medical Device (MCA) market.

The MCA market is divided into two sub-markets: open and laparoscopic surgery. The products produced are quite similar despite a variety of patents. The market represents $2B in sales per year.

The Challenge

Companies that supply med-packs were unable to obtain discounted pricing from the suppliers, producers of clip bars required market access, and hospitals were searching for alternatives to break the duopoly.

There were complaints of jamming, with reject rates of 10-15%, and many were also seeking local manufacturing (EU or USA).

The Analysis

AksoDynamic studied the market by spending time with the customers, the users, and notable KOLs in the field. As is customary at AksoDynamic, we took a transversal view and established that there existed a great deal of commonality between the open and laparoscopic surgery MCAs.

Our analysis of the products led to a realisation that there were a great too many components, that this could be reduced, and that by taking a new approach that the product could be manufactured through automation.

The Solution

AksoDynamic developed a reloadable cartridge solution with a handle that could eventually be re-used. The product was conceived to be assembled through an automated picking method, enabling lower costs, and reproducibility.

The jamming issue, common to the current products, was eliminated through an improved design of both the clip and cartridge.

- Speed

AksoDynamic developed 4 working prototypes in 6 months.
Within the year, AksoDynamic patented the system, obtained a license to operate from one of the most prestigious law firms in the UK, and won the Novacité award in Lyon, France for innovation.

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